Talk About Your Ambition in Life IELTS Speaking Topics

IELTS Speaking Topics - Ambitions

Talk about ambitions that you have in life

What are they? Why do you want to achieve them? Why haven’t you achieved them yet?

Talk about ambitions that you have in life

Okay, so probably my main ambition at the moment is to complete my master’s degree in the USA and hopefully find a good job there.

This is something I’ve been planning for some time now, and hopefully if everything goes well next year, and I’m accepted for the program I’ve applied for, then that will be the first big step towards achieving that ambition.

The rest of it will be studying and doing the work required to pass the course successfully.

As for other ambitions, well, when I’ve successfully completed my master’s degree I would like to stay on in the USA. It would be great if I manage to find employment in my area of expertise, and I’d really like to make a life in the future there because I believe there are many more opportunities for people like me.

The only reason I haven’t achieved this yet is because I spent two years working immediately following my graduation from university – so I’ve been busy gaining relevant professional experience and saving money to finance my studies in the USA.

Now that I’m ready to start it should only take two more years and then I will be able to say that I did it.

IELTS Speaking Part 3 Discussion Questions & Answers

What will you do to achieve it?

As I said, once I have my master’s degree, my plan is to search for employment in my field, and if successful, then stay in the USA and build my life there. This will involve a lot of hard work and also a lot of patience because the process is quite long sometimes, depending on the exact circumstances.

One of the things I’m doing at the moment is contacting some people there who have already done what I would like to do so that I can understand what’s required exactly and possibly avoid any potential problems. I’m also researching everything I can about the immigration and visa process and all the relevant requirements so that I can plan ahead.

Do you think people nowadays are too ambitious? Why?

Personally, no, it’s good that people are ambitious and want to do things in their life – it makes it more interesting and for my generation there have never been so many opportunities to go out in life and do something exciting in different countries and have a very different life from our parents, for example. It’s something I really want to take advantage of as much as possible.

Do you think being ambitious at work is good?

Yes, but then not everybody is ambitious – you can normally see those that are wherever you work. They’re the ones who are always busy doing things, they’re involved, engaged, and often do more than their basic job description requires because they want to learn more or gain additional experience and progress professionally.

Then there are other people who are content just to do the basic minimum required in their job, they do it well, but they don’t have the same drive or ambition to progress professionally.

I think most careers are similar – there are people whose career is the most important thing in their life – and for others their work is simply just part of life, but not necessarily the most important aspect of it.

Why do you think people have these ambitions?

It’s difficult to say, there are so many possible factors which might be involved. A lot of it is based on their personal circumstances, maybe family background, and their perspective on life overall.

Some people start of life with nothing, or very little, and want to achieve everything through their own efforts, while some others might have a comfortable family life and their ambition is based more on simply maintaining expectations of a similar life for themselves.

And then there are people who just seem to be naturally ambitious or competitive and always want to do more, achieve more, or do and experience new things. The possible motivational drivers of ambition are as limitless as people are different.

Can you describe an ambition that you haven't achieved yet?

Yes, there's an ambition I haven't achieved yet. I've always wanted to be a published author, but I still haven't accomplished that goal. I've written several novels and even started a few small publishing companies, but it's been a struggle to get traction in the industry.

I'm not sure what's holding me back, but I keep getting close to finally hitting the publish button, and then something happens to derail me. Maybe it's fear of rejection or fear of failure, but I'm determined to achieve my goal eventually. I'll keep plugging away until my dream comes true.

What is your main ambition in the next few years?

I would like to continue serving as a change agent in my community and help empower others to effect positive change in their communities. I am also interested in continuing my education and becoming a leader in the public health field.

Those are my main ambitions in the short term.

Can you describe an ambition you have for the future?

My ambition for the future is to be happy and healthy. I want to enjoy life with my loved ones and look back on my years with no regrets.

I hope to continue learning and growing as a person and make a positive impact on the world - I know it sounds idealistic, but that's my ambition for the future.

In my professional career, my ambition is to help people and make them happy. I would like to work in a field where I can use my abilities to make the lives of other people better.

What are your ambitions in life?

I have a few different ambitions in life. First, I want to do whatever I can to make a difference in the world. Whether it's through my work, my philanthropy, or simply by being a good person and setting a good example, I want to help make the world a better place.

Second, I want to be happy and fulfilled in my personal life. I want to have strong relationships with family and friends and enjoy all the simple pleasures that life offers.

Lastly, I want to live a long and healthy life. This means staying active, eating well, and enjoying plenty of laughter and happiness.

How ambitious are you?

I am very ambitious and always strive to achieve the best results. I set high standards for myself and am always looking for ways to improve my performance. I am always willing to take on new challenges and enjoy working hard to reach my goals.

What is your main ambition?

My main ambition is to be successful in whatever I do. I want to be able to look back on my life and feel proud of what I have accomplished. I am also motivated by the desire to make a difference in the world and help others achieve their goals.

Do you think you are an ambitious person?

Yes, I definitely think I am an ambitious person. I have always been driven to achieve my goals and reach my full potential. I am always looking for ways to improve myself and my skills, and I am willing to take on new challenges. My ambition motivates me to work hard and never give up.


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