
Showing posts with the label IELTS Speaking Topics

Describe A Time You Had A Good Experience In The Countryside

"We spent a week in the countryside, hiking through the majestic mountains of British Columbia, exploring the beautiful pristine landscapes that we had never seen before." IELTS Speaking Topics - The Countryside Describe a time you had a good experience in the countryside What was it? Where were you? Why was it good? And say if you would recommend it to your friends. Sample Answer Describe a time you had an enjoyable (good) experience in the countryside It was a hot summer day in July, and I was driving my family home from our vacation. We had spent the last week hiking through the majestic mountains of British Columbia, exploring the beautiful landscapes that were so different than anything we had ever seen before. The drive back to Vancouver was long, but it felt good to be home after such an adventure. I would recommend this experience to anyone looking for something new! The variety of landscapes was a big reason why I enjoyed this experienc

How to Answer Part 3 Speaking Questions | IELTS Practice

Here are some tips to help you answer IELTS Speaking test Part 3 questions: Listen carefully to the question and make sure you understand what is being asked. Take a moment to think about your answer before you start speaking. A few seconds will help you organize your thoughts and give a more coherent answer. Try to give extended answers that develop the topic further to show the examiner that you have a good range of vocabulary and can speak fluently for a sustained period of time. Make sure you include some examples in your answers to illustrate your points. Examples will make your answers more convincing and easier for the examiner to follow. Finally, don’t worry if you can’t think of the perfect answer – do your best, and the examiner will be able to see that you are trying your best. IELTS PRACTICE - SPEAKING PART 3 Examples Do you believe people communicate face to face less than in the past because of cell phones and computers? That’s probably not true

Talk About Your Ambition in Life IELTS Speaking Topics

IELTS Speaking Topics - Ambitions Talk about ambitions that you have in life What are they? Why do you want to achieve them? Why haven’t you achieved them yet? Talk about ambitions that you have in life Okay, so probably my main ambition at the moment is to complete my master’s degree in the USA and hopefully find a good job there. This is something I’ve been planning for some time now, and hopefully if everything goes well next year, and I’m accepted for the program I’ve applied for, then that will be the first big step towards achieving that ambition. The rest of it will be studying and doing the work required to pass the course successfully. As for other ambitions, well, when I’ve successfully completed my master’s degree I would like to stay on in the USA. It would be great if I manage to find employment in my area of expertise, and I’d really like to make a life in the future there because I believe there are many more opportunities for people like me. Th

Describe A person You Met Recently (and would like to know better)

Describe a person you recently met with again You should say: who the person was where you met with him/her why you met with him/her again and explain why you would like to get to know this person better. A person you recently met with again - sample answer About two months ago, I met a guy through work when I went to a meeting with some clients. He was working at the company I had to go to for the meeting, but I didn’t know that when I first met him. On my way to the meeting, I grabbed a quick coffee from a coffee shop close to the office; that’s where I first bumped into him. He was in front of me in the line but I didn’t notice him at first. I was thinking about everything I wanted to cover during the meeting. Anyway, finally, I got to the front of the line and it was my turn to pay, but when I offered the barista my money, she explained that the guy in front of me had paid it forward for the next customer. I didn’t understand at first, so she explained to