Helpful Person Part 2 IELTS Speaking - The Best Answer
- Who this person is
- How you know him/her
- What he/she did to help you
And explain why you think this person is helpful.
Helpful Person Part 2 IELTS Cue Card
Useful Vocabulary
- "This person has always been there for me..."
- "They never hesitate to lend a helping hand..."
- "Their kindness and willingness to assist is truly admirable..."
- "They have a heart of gold, always thinking of others before themselves..."
- "No matter how busy they are, they always make time to help..."
- "They possess a remarkable ability to uplift others with their words and actions..."
- "Their generosity of spirit is visible in their everyday actions..."
- "They go above and beyond to make sure everyone is taken care of..."
- "Their actions speak volumes about their compassionate nature..."
- "They are a true embodiment of selflessness and empathy..."
- "This individual is a beacon of support, always ready to assist..."
- "They are constantly looking out for others, putting their needs first..."
- "Their actions consistently reflect their dedication to lending a hand..."
- "They are a perfect example of altruism, always eager to help out..."
- "Day or night, they are always willing to lend an ear or a hand..."
- "One can always rely on their unwavering support and assistance..."
- "Their selfless acts of kindness make a significant difference in people's lives..."
- "Their generosity extends beyond their time and effort, they also share wisdom and guidance..."
- "They are a shining example of empathy, always attuned to the needs of others..."
- "They do not merely offer help, they create an environment where one feels supported and valued..."
Tips for Answering this Cue Card in the IELTS Speaking Exam
When describing a person who has been very helpful to others, it's important to focus on the details and provide specific examples.
Begin by introducing who the person is and how you know them.
Then, explain what they did that was so helpful and why you think they are helpful. This could include talking about their willingness to help, their generous nature, and their selfless actions.
Finally, emphasize how much you admire this person for who they are and what they have done. For example, because they help homeless people or do volunteer work.
Pay close attention to all the bullet points provided in the cue card and structure your own sample answer accordingly.
Make sure to not only describe a helpful person and what they did to help you but also explain why you consider them helpful.
Don't worry about giving a perfect answer, instead use the vocabulary provided above to make your response more varied and interesting. Remember, your tone matters as well. Don't rush through the points; take your time, and speak clearly.
IELTS Speaking Part 2 Sample Answer
You know, I've got to tell you about my best friend. I mean, he's the kind of person who works hard and never expects anything in return. Like this one time, he spent his own money and time helping homeless children. It was during a visit to a crowded place that we saw these underprivileged children. My friend, being the soft-spoken guy that he is, felt the need to act selflessly. His actions taught me the importance of giving and being there for society. He's not just a friend to me, but a mentor, someone whose actions speak louder than words, and I admire him for that.
For the longest time, I've been fortunate to call this remarkable individual my best friend. He's not just a friend, but a beacon of selflessness and altruism, an epitome of dedication and hard work who always puts others before himself. He possesses an innate ability to empathize with those in need and goes above and beyond to support them, never seeking anything in return.
One instance that particularly stands out is when we were visiting an incredibly overcrowded community in our city. It was a humbling experience as we saw the harsh reality of homeless children and the struggles they faced daily. My friend, being the kind-hearted and soft-spoken individual he is, was deeply moved by those children.
Instead of turning a blind eye like most people, he decided to step in and make a difference. He not only spent his own hard-earned money to provide them with food and clothing but also dedicated his precious time to ensure these children felt seen and valued. This wasn’t a one-time act of kindness. In fact, he took it a step further by organizing weekly visits, making sure they had enough supplies and even helping them with schoolwork in special night school sessions.
But his compassion doesn't stop there. He's always been someone I could lean on, always ready to give advice and lend a hand when needed. I can’t count the number of times he's offered me valuable insights - whether I was dealing with a minor issue or facing a significant life decision. He has a knack for providing perspectives that are thoughtful, insightful, and empowering.
To me, his actions are a testament to his incredible character. His selflessness has taught me the importance of giving, of being a part of the community, and of standing up for those unable to do so themselves. He's been more than just a friend - he's been a mentor, an inspiration. His actions do indeed speak louder than words, and for that, I admire him greatly.
And, so he's a very helpful person that I know.
Model Answer
Model Answer
I'd love to tell you about a helpful person in my life: my father. He's a man of few words, but his actions truly speak louder than words. From a young age, he has always been there for me and my siblings - from helping us with our homework and teaching us the importance of hard work and discipline to encouraging us to pursue our passions and follow our dreams.
My dad has always been a stickler for doing what's right and he often goes out of his way to help others, especially those who are less fortunate than us. Whether it's donating food or money to charity, giving free services at the local market, helping out at the playground during school activities, or even just giving advice to those in need; he's always willing to lend a hand.
Aside from his altruistic nature, my dad is also great at providing valuable feedback and advice. He has the uncanny ability to make complex topics and concepts easy to understand, no matter how challenging they may be. Whether it's Math equations or understanding grammar rules for English - my father can explain it in a way that's both engaging and easy to comprehend.
Finally, he also encourages us to express ourselves by speaking up and using our voices. Whether it's debating current affairs or voicing an opinion on certain topics - he has always allowed us to speak our minds without judgment or criticism. He believes that by understanding the importance of communication we can learn important lessons for life.
I feel incredibly fortunate to have such a helpful person in my life - someone who not only helps us but also motivates and inspires us daily. Without his guidance and support, I'm sure I wouldn't be where I am today. He truly is an amazing role model and mentor!