IELTS General Training Writing | Permissive vs. Protective Parenting

Permissive vs. Protective Parenting

Previously, children enjoyed a significant amount of freedom from their parents. Today's parents, on the other hand, are generally more protective. Is this change beneficial or detrimental?

Essay Notes

When talking about how children used to have more freedom and now parents are more protective, there are several points that you may want to consider before writing your essay:

  • Historical Context: How have society's rules and beliefs changed, and how does this affect how parents raise their children? This includes how being more aware of safety and new technology has made a difference.
  • Safety Concerns: Many of today's parents are more focused on keeping their children safe, partly because of how much the media talks about child safety incidents.
  • Psychological Impact: How do you think protective parenting impacts the mental development of children, looking at their independence, self-esteem, and ability to judge risks?
  • Social Skills Development: How does less freedom change the way children interact and learn to be social?
  • Balance Between Protection and Independence: What are some ways to keep children safe while letting them be independent?

Essay Answer

Parenting has changed a lot lately, with many parents becoming more protective. This might seem beneficial, but it can actually make it harder for kids to grow up well-rounded.

In the past, kids had more freedom to explore and learn from their mistakes, helping them become confident and make good decisions. Parenting back then was more 'permissive'. Nowadays, parents often keep a closer watch on their kids because of scary stories in the media and new technologies. This 'strict' parenting style can stop kids from learning how to deal with risks and failures on their own.

Research shows that kids who don't get enough playtime without strict supervision miss out on learning vital social skills and how to be independent. For example, when kids play together without adults always stepping in, they learn how to talk things out, solve problems, and understand others better. These skills get lost if all their play is watched over or happens online.

Also, using technology like GPS trackers or social media to keep tabs on kids or keep them busy might seem helpful, but it may actually keep them from experiencing the real world and developing social skills. However, a degree of parental control over what chilcren do online is essential for safety reasons.

In short, being too protective can hurt how kids learn to be independent and get along with others. Parents should try to find a balance that keeps their kids safe but also lets them explore and grow on their own, helping them become strong, independent people.

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