How to Answer IELTS Task 2 | Synonyms & Complex Sentences

Task 2 strategy

  • Identify the type of question
  • List important points to address
  • Organize the layout of your answer

How to answer IELTS Task 2

This is an opinion essay, where the writer must discuss both sides of the argument and give their own opinion. You must address both sides of the argument fairly and try to use relevant examples to support each point.

The essay should begin with an introduction that clearly states the thesis and your opinion. The body of the essay should then discuss both sides of the argument in separate paragraphs, including relevant supporting evidence (ideas) for each point. Finally, the conclusion should summarise the main points of the essay and restate your opinion.

For the first side of the argument:

"Some people believe that using taxpayer funds to look for life on other planets is important."

Explain why this perspective is held by some people and provide evidence to support it.

Here are some ideas to help you

One possible reason is that discovering the presence of life on other planets would provide answers to long-standing questions about the origins and evolution of life on Earth.

For example, if evidence of life elsewhere in the universe were found, it would suggest that the conditions required for life to form are common and that the evolutionary process from simple forms of life to more complex organisms is not unique to Earth.

Such a discovery could provide insight into how life on Earth began and the development of the species that inhabit it today.

In addition to providing answers to questions about our own planet's biology, there is the potential for great technological and scientific advancements should evidence of extra-terrestrial life be discovered.

For example, the development of new technologies to detect and study life on other planets. The knowledge we gain from studying any forms of extra-terrestrial life might profoundly enhance our understanding of how and why life developed on Earth, as well as our knowledge of the universe in general.

Furthermore, such a discovery could lead to a greater appreciation of the richness and complexity of life in our environment. If extra-terrestrial life is found, it could provide vital clues as to how life evolves in other places and perhaps even encourage us to protect our planet more actively.

In terms of practical applications, the knowledge gained from studying extra-terrestrial life could prove revolutionary. For example, scientists may be able to develop new forms of energy or technologies that are not possible on Earth currently. Such developments could dramatically improve the quality of life for humankind and contribute to advances in many areas, including medicine, engineering, and communications.

On a more philosophical level, knowledge of other forms of life could help to provide a sense of perspective for humanity. It would help to remind us that we are just one species in an ever-changing and evolving universe, and may encourage us to take better care of our planet. Furthermore, the potential for inter-species communication could open up a whole new world of possibilities and help to build bridges between cultures on Earth.

For the second side of the argument:

"Some people think that it is a waste of public money because there are many more important issues requiring funding on our own planet."

It must be acknowledged that there are pressing problems on Earth which require immediate resolution. Examples include global warming, poverty, and the refugee crisis. These issues have a direct impact on our daily lives; therefore, it stands to reason that public funds should be directed toward solving them.

Why it is not the government's responsibility to explore other planets:

Another argument is that governments should not be investing their resources in exploring other planets when there are significant problems closer to home. This point of view has merit because public money could be better used to alleviate everyday issues, such as investing in infrastructure and education. Moreover, since space exploration is an inherently risky endeavor with a high price tag, governments should minimize the risk and ensure public funds are being used effectively by focusing on more concrete problems that have an immediate effect on people’s lives.

Why private enterprises are a better alternative than taxpayer-funded exploration of life on other planets:

Private enterprises are well-suited to explore outer space due to their greater financial independence and less bureaucratic constraints. Private enterprises have the unique capability to take risks, invest large sums of money into projects with unknown outcomes and reap the rewards if their project is successful. This type of entrepreneurial energy, motivated by the potential of large financial returns, is what drives the private sector to innovate and explore in ways that are not always possible with public funding.

Additionally, some people may argue that communication with another species is too unpredictable and risky, given the unknowns associated with such efforts. This opinion is understandable, as there is a likelihood of unintended consequences, such as cultural displacement or even physical harm.

Best plan to write a Task 2 response

Here are a few tips:

1. Brainstrom: Take the time to brainstorm ideas and plan your response. This will help you organize your thoughts and create a cohesive structure for your answer.

2. Include examples: Support your arguments with facts, statistics, or examples. This will make your answer more convincing and interesting for the reader.

3. Showcase your English: Use a range of vocabulary and sentence structures to demonstrate your level of English. For example, use synonyms and collocations to avoid repetition and vary the length of your sentences.

Examples of synonyms

Original Synonym
taxpayer funds taxation revenue, public money
look for search, explore
life on other planets extraterrestrial beings
Collocations Synonyms
draw attention to focus attention on
use taxpayer funds utilise taxation revenue
waste of public money squander public money
more important issues squander public money, more critical matters

Simple Sentence

There is a growing debate over whether or not to use taxpayer funds to explore life on other planets.

Complex Sentence

Although some people view the exploration of other planets as a waste of much-needed resources and funding, others argue that it is crucial for humanity's progress.

Simple Sentence

There is a stark divide between those who are for and against the use of taxpayer money to search for extraterrestrial life.

Complex Sentence

Those who are in favor of using taxpayer money to investigate the possibility of life on other planets argue that it could lead to groundbreaking discoveries and offer valuable insight into the universe, while detractors believe that the funds should instead be allocated to more practical uses such as poverty alleviation or health care.

4. A clear opinion: Introduce a clear opinion at the beginning of your response, and remember to refer back to this throughout. This will help ensure you cover all aspects related to the question.

5. Review: Make sure you spend a few minutes at the end of your response to proofread and correct any mistakes.

Remember, time spent planning your response before writing will ensure it is structured and well-developed.

Good luck!


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