Talk About A Dangerous Object That You Have Used

An IELTS speaking test will often ask you to describe an object in Part 2 of the test.

This is a great opportunity to show off your vocabulary and grammar skills. However, it can be difficult to think of something to say for the full 2 minutes.

How to Talk About a Dangerous Object You Have Used

Here are some tips on how to talk about a dangerous object you have used.

Choose an object that you are familiar with.

The best way to do well on this cue card question is to choose an object that you are familiar with. This will help you to describe it in more detail.

If you can think of an interesting story about the object, that will also help you to talk for the full 2 minutes.

Examples of dangerous objects you can describe:


Knives are one of the most common and potentially dangerous objects that we use daily. While they can be very useful for tasks such as cooking and cutting food, they can also be very dangerous if not used properly. It is important to always handle knives with care and to keep them out of reach of children.

Power tools

Power tools are another everyday object that can be very dangerous if not used properly. These tools, which include items such as drills and saws, can cause serious injuries if not handled correctly. It is vital to read the instructions carefully before using any power tool and to always wear appropriate safety gear, such as gloves and goggles.


Many household chemicals, such as cleaners and pesticides, can be harmful if not used properly. You should always follow the instructions on the label when using these products and keep them out of reach of children and pets. Some chemicals, such as bleach, can also be dangerous if mixed with other substances.


Medications can help treat various illnesses and conditions. But they can also be very dangerous if not used correctly. You should always take medications exactly as prescribed by a doctor or pharmacist and avoid sharing them with others. Some medications, such as painkillers, can also be addictive and should be used with caution.


Guns are perhaps the most dangerous type of object on this list, as they have the potential to cause serious injury or death if not used properly. It is important to always treat guns with care and respect and to only use them under supervision.


Chainsaws are one of the most dangerous tools that a person can use. They are often used to cut down trees or to clear brush, and if they are not used properly, they can cause serious injury or even death. Chainsaws can be very dangerous because they have sharp blades that move at high speed. If the blade hits a person, it can cause severe cuts or even amputation.

Power Washers

Power washers are another everyday tool that can be very dangerous if not used properly. Power washers use high-pressure water to clean surfaces. But if the water hits a person, it can cause serious injuries. Power washers can also be dangerous because they can propel objects such as rocks or pieces of metal while being cleaned. These objects may hit and injure people nearby.


Lawnmowers are another type of tool that can be dangerous if not used properly. Lawnmowers have a rotating blade that can easily cut through flesh and bone. If a person is hit by the blade of a lawn mower, it can cause severe injuries or even death. Additionally, lawnmowers can throw objects, such as stones or sticks, which can also cause serious injuries.


Snowblowers are another type of tool that can be dangerous if not used properly. Snowblowers have a rotating auger that can easily catch and pull a person into the machine. Additionally, snowblowers can throw snow and ice, which can cause serious injuries if it hits a person.


Cars are one of the most common causes of death in the United States. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there were over 37,000 traffic fatalities in 2017. The vast majority of these fatalities were due to driver errors, such as speeding, driving while intoxicated, or distracted driving.

Describe the object in detail

When you are describing the object, try to include as many details as possible. This will show off your vocabulary skills. You could describe the color, shape, size, weight, material, etc. of the object.

Talk about how you have used the object.

You should also talk about how you have used the object and why it is dangerous. It is important to make sure that your answer is relevant to the question.

Practice talking about the object before your test.

Once you have decided on an object, practice talking about it before your test. This will help you to remember the details that you want to include in your answer.

Try not to pause too much during your answer.

If you pause too much during your answer, it will make it difficult for the examiner to understand what you are saying. Try to speak fluently and without too many pauses.

These are just a few tips that will help you to answer this cue card question successfully. Just remember to choose an interesting object and talk about it in as much detail as possible!


Describing an object is an excellent way to show off your vocabulary and grammar skills. But it can be difficult to think of something to say for the full two minutes.

The best way to do well on this cue card question is to:

  • Choose a familiar object
  • Describe it in detail
  • Tell an engaging story about it
  • Don't forget to describe its color, shape, size, weight, material, etc.
  • Describe how you used the object, and why it is dangerous
  • Make sure your answer is relevant
  • Practice some possible answers before your test
  • Try to avoid long pauses

Use these tips to help you successfully answer any cue card question about a dangerous object.

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