Talk about a person you spend a lot of time with

Talk about a person you spend a lot of time with

Who is the person? - What is your relationship with that person? - What do you do together? - Why do you enjoy spending time with that person?

Example Answer

I spend a lot of time with quite a few people such as my family and friends, but I guess that the person I spend the most time with, and spend time with most frequently, would be my boyfriend.

We’ve been together for several years now and get on really well. We each have our own friends as well but we love doing things together and like doing a lot of the same things – so that’s really good, because it helps avoid any arguments about what to do.

Like I said before, I love getting into the outdoors and exploring and my boyfriend does too, so we often spend weekends away together hiking and biking in various parts of the country.

When we’re at home in the city, we’ll often spend time with friends and go out to eat or see a move maybe. Don’t get me wrong – we don’t spend all our time together; he has his own interests as well, he is crazy about doing crossfit and goes almost every other day. It’s one of the few activities that we don’t share because I tried it once but didn’t really like it even though I love training – I prefer to do yoga or something a little less strenuous and competitive.

I guess apart from traveling and exploring together, we mostly do the same sort of things as other couples, we go out, we stay in and chill with a movie and snacks, and now and again we visit our families together, mainly on special occasions.

We both enjoy spending time with each other because we are extremely compatible together, although he is much more outgoing than me, but that kind of balances us out. Apart from that I trust him completely and we have also come to understand each other over the years so we are very close and mostly have a great time together – but we do have the odd argument or falling out sometimes, doesn’t everyone though?

Follow up question

Do you think this person is liked by other people? Why?

Yes, definitely, everyone seems to love him and he’s always been extremely popular. When my family first met him they thought he was great.

I think people like him because he’s very easygoing and seems to get along with all sorts of people very easily, he also has a very cheery personality and he’s always laughing and joking around, so there’s never a dull moment when he’s around.

Other ideas you can include in your answer
  • How long you have been together
  • What you like to do together
  • How compatible you are
  • What kind of relationship you have (e.g. close, trusting, etc.)
  • What your relationship is like (e.g. mostly great, but with the odd argument)
  • Anything else you feel is relevant!

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