Speaking for IELTS - Describe a place you have visited

Have you ever visited a place and liked it so much that you wanted to go back there again?

When faced with the cue card prompting you to describe a place you have visited, it can be tempting to choose a popular destination like Paris or Rome.

However, don't be afriad to think outside of the box and choose a location that will make your answer unique.

Instead of describing the Eiffel Tower or Colosseum, you could consider a smaller, lesser-known spot that stands out in your memory. Perhaps it was a little seaside village you stumbled upon while traveling or an off-the-beaten-path temple.

Focus on details that made the place special to you - the warm hospitality of the locals, the delicious street food vendors, or stunning views from hiking trails.

Incorporate specific adjectives and sensory language to paint a vivid picture for your listener and truly bring the place to life.

This approach will not only make for a more interesting answer but also demonstrate advanced vocabulary and fluency in English.

Overall, don't be afraid to be creative and stray from cliche responses when approaching this cue card.

Describe a place you visited on a short trip and would like to go back to

- Where was it?
- What did you do there?
- Why do you want to go there again?

Speaking for IELTS - Describe a place you have visited

About six months ago I went with a friend to Washington DC, for a long weekend – three days, and we visited quite a few places, but the one I remember most is the National Archive building on Constitution Avenue. Apart from being quite impressive as a building, in terms of architecture, the fact that it houses all those documents relating to such important events is amazing, for me anyway.

I love history and all that sort of stuff and to be able to see documents and legislation that was signed into power centuries ago – and it's all there, right in front of you – for me that’s truly fascinating, but then I’m a history buff, I suppose.

I guess we must have spent a good few hours there, maybe most of the afternoon, and it was a shame we weren’t allowed to take any photos, but they’re prohibited, apparently because of the flash – I think it can damage the exhibits or something like that – anyway, I must have stood for ages just looking at the declaration of independence and other famous documents. And then we went for something to eat and drink before continuing to visit some other places close by.

It was summertime when we went, so it was nice and warm outside and it was nice to stroll around and really get a feel for the place. It’s an amazing place, with the US Congress and Senate and all the other important places. That’s one of the reasons I’d love to go back again and see some more of the important sites and historic places which we didn’t manage to see last time.

Describe an interesting place you have visited

Ideas: a museum, the beach, a forest, a park, a zoo, an aquarium, a waterfall, a river

I have visited many interesting places, but one that stands out to me is the Museum of Modern Art in New York City. I was blown away by the sheer size of the museum and the number of different art styles on display. I also loved how interactive the museum was, with plenty of opportunities to touch and feel the art. It was a truly fantastic experience and I would recommend it to anyone.

Describe a place you would like to visit in the future

Ideas: The Seven Wonders of the World, The pyramids, Easter Island

There are so many places I would love to visit in the future, but one that has always been at the top of my list is the Seven Wonders of the World. I am fascinated by history and culture, and there is no better way to learn about it than to see it firsthand. The Seven Wonders of the World is a collection of some of the most iconic and incredible structures that have ever been built, and I would love to see them all in person.

Describe a place that you want to visit

Ideas: the Amazon rainforest, the Grand Canyon, Antarctica

There is so much of our world that we have yet to explore, and there are so many places that I would love to visit. One place that has always been at the top of my list is the Amazon rainforest. I am fascinated by the biodiversity of the Amazon and the indigenous cultures that still exist there. I would love to explore the rainforest and see all the incredible plants and animals that call it home.

Describe a place you visited on vacation


  • The Eiffel Tower in Paris, France
  • The Great Wall of China
  • The Taj Mahal in India
  • The Colosseum in Rome, Italy
  • Machu Picchu in Peru
  • Angkor Wat in Cambodia
  • Christ the Redeemer in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Have you ever been on a vacation that was so amazing, you still think about it years later? I have. One of the most memorable vacations I’ve ever been on was when I visited Paris, France. From the moment I arrived, I was mesmerized by the city – from the beautifully designed buildings to the charming cafes lining the streets. I even got to experience one of the most iconic landmarks in the world, the Eiffel Tower. It was an incredible trip that I’ll never forget.

Describe a place you have visited recently

Ideas: a local historical building, a national park, a downtown area in a larger city

I recently visited the historic district downtown and it was really interesting to see all of the old buildings. It was cool to imagine what life must have been like back then. There were a lot of people around even though it was during the week and I got to talk with some of them. They were all friendly and seem to love living there. I can see why; it's a beautiful place with a lot of character. I'm planning on going back soon.

Speaking for IELTS - Part 3 Discussion Questions

Journeys & Trips

What are the differences between a long journey and a short trip?

There are lots of differences, the time you need, cost, accommodation and travel mainly I think. If I were to go on a short trip I wouldn’t worry too much about accommodation, but if I was spending more time in a particular place, then I’d probably spend a bit more effort to try and get the best deal possible for the best hotel – but if it’s only one or two nights it’s not really worth doing a lot of shopping around.

I suppose short trips are also something you can do quite frequently – whereas longer trips you might do once a year or something like that. And for me personally, I quite like going on short trips by myself, but if I went on a longer trip I’d probably want to go with my best friend or someone else I really get along with well.

What are the advantages of short trips? Why?

There are plenty of benefits. I mean for starters, you don’t have to pack as much when you only go for a short trip, you need less clothes … well, less of everything I guess. It’s also usually easier to get away for a weekend or maybe even a long weekend than it is to take a week off and go someplace, so I guess short trips are way easier to plan too. It usually costs less too and a short trip is enough for you to feel like you’ve had a break and change of scenery, but without disrupting your normal routine too much.

I don’t know about other people, but I normally do stuff on short trips that I maybe wouldn’t do on a longer trip – like visit lots of places in just a couple of days, or eat out at really nice restaurants.

What places would you recommend to visit as a short trip in your country?

In my country, well, there’ a great choice of stuff to do and see depending on what you like. It’s really similar to here, if you want to go an visit historical and cultural sites, then there’s lots of places you can go to – especially in the capital – but if you want to do some kind of sporting activity like hiking or trekking, biking, kayaking and stuff like that, then you can find that too in most of the larger cities, well close to the cities, but not in the center obviously.

If I had to recommend just a few things to see for visitor, then it would be the Presidential Palace in the capital, because it’s just so amazing, then the beaches in the north of the country which are absolutely beautiful and super clean, and try zip-lining in the rain forest, there are lots of places you can do it.

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