
Showing posts with the label birthdays

IELTS Speaking - Birthdays

IELTS Speaking Topic: Birthdays Do you like birthday celebrations? Yes, mostly, they’re fun and can be quite important when it’s a special birthday, such as a 15th or 50th, especially when it’s a family member or someone you’re really close to. What do you typically do on your birthday? On my birthday, I typically spend time with my loved ones. We usually go out for a special meal or sometimes have a small get-together at home. I also make sure to treat myself to something special, like a new book or an item I've been wanting for a while. Do you prefer to celebrate your birthday with family or friends? I think both are important, but if I had to choose one, I'd prefer celebrating with family. Birthdays for me are more about appreciating the people who've been there from the beginning, and that's my family. Do you enjoy surprise parties or do you prefer to be informed beforehand? To be honest, I enjoy both. I love the thrill of planning a surpr