
Showing posts with the label IELTS speaking

Describe a time when you actively engaged in self-improvement

- What aspect of yourself did you want to improve? - How did you go about improving it? - What challenges did you face during the process? And explain how this self-improvement endeavor impacted your life. Describe a time when you actively engaged in self-improvement Sample Answer During my final year of college, I realized that if I wanted to excel in my career and successfully immigrate to Canada as a professional worker, I needed to actively engage in self-improvement. One aspect of myself that I wanted to improve was my public speaking skills, as I believed effective communication would be crucial in securing job opportunities and thriving in a new country. To improve my public speaking skills, I decided to join a local toastmasters club. This organization provided a supportive environment for individuals to develop their communication and leadership abilities. At the club, I participated in regular meetings, where I would give prepared speeches and impromptu talk

IELTS Speaking - Birthdays

IELTS Speaking Topic: Birthdays Do you like birthday celebrations? Yes, mostly, they’re fun and can be quite important when it’s a special birthday, such as a 15th or 50th, especially when it’s a family member or someone you’re really close to. What do you typically do on your birthday? On my birthday, I typically spend time with my loved ones. We usually go out for a special meal or sometimes have a small get-together at home. I also make sure to treat myself to something special, like a new book or an item I've been wanting for a while. Do you prefer to celebrate your birthday with family or friends? I think both are important, but if I had to choose one, I'd prefer celebrating with family. Birthdays for me are more about appreciating the people who've been there from the beginning, and that's my family. Do you enjoy surprise parties or do you prefer to be informed beforehand? To be honest, I enjoy both. I love the thrill of planning a surpr

Is it important to spend time doing leisure activities?

Absolutely! It's so important to take time out of our busy lives and do things that we enjoy, whether it's watching a movie or playing sports. I think it's important to make sure we get some "me time" too, and that includes leisure activities. That way we can have a chance to relax and recharge our batteries. Plus, it's always good to have something fun to look forward to! What kind of leisure activities do people usually do? It really depends on the person. Some people like to go out and explore their local area, either going out to restaurants or attending cultural events. Other people might prefer more active pursuits, such as sports, hiking, or taking part in outdoor activities. Some people might prefer to stay home and watch movies, play video games, or read books. There are so many options available when it comes to leisure activities, so it's really up to the individual to decide what they like best. How has leisure time changed in the

Describe an Interesting Discussion You Had with Your Friends

Recently, I had an interesting discussion with my friends about the merits of a vegan lifestyle. We discussed how it can reduce greenhouse gas emissions, improve our health and help to protect animal welfare. We also considered the potential challenges that come with transitioning to a plant-based diet and how this could be balanced with other aspects of life, such as eating out and finding vegan-friendly options. Everyone had different perspectives on the topic and it was fascinating to hear their thoughts. One friend said that adopting a vegan lifestyle could work best if you took it step-by-step. He suggested that starting with Meatless Mondays or cutting out certain food groups (like dairy) first can help to make the transition easier. I agreed and thought that was good advice. Another friend mentioned how adopting a vegan diet could be more expensive due to the cost of fresh fruits and vegetables. I thought this was a great point to bring up, especially since most

How to Score band 7 in IELTS Speaking Test

How to Score IELTS Band 7 in the Speaking Test In the video you’ll see an example of Part 3 of the IELTS speaking test. The candidate is from Colombia and is asked some questions about famous people. She scored IELTS Band 7 in this test. Comments by the examiner and an analysis of her performance in line with the official IELTS grading criteria for the speaking test are below: Fluency & Coherence The candidate is quite fluent and responds appropriately as well as extending her responses when required. Her use of discourse markers and linking words such as first ; I think so ; actually ; in a lot of ways ; for example ; and that’s why is good. Although she sometimes hesitates, this is mainly related to thinking about content and clarification of ideas before speaking rather than not knowing what to say and these short pauses do not affect her overall coherence. Lexical Resource (vocabulary) The candidate’s range of vocabulary is good and includes examples of less common vo